Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm so white, I'm grey!

yes... Americans... that's how we spell it.

Seriously though... winter has been so long, that at this point of whiteness, I could get burnt by standing near the window too long. And I'm about to head to an equatorial country and live in a city where 3/4 of the year is sunny and is 5200 feet closer to the sun than I am here.

So what do I do about that? well I'll tell you but you have to come close....
Closer!! I don't want anyone else to hear.

*whispers* I go to a tanning bed.

Yep, I go tanning. And I'm awesome at it too cause if I stay in for more than five minutes I come out smelling like a rotisserie chicken. 
But hey, it is better than getting destroyed by the sun on my first day back and then spending half a week in bed from sunstroke. Trust me, I've tried that version too.

So I build up a fake and bake base and I'm good to go. I would recommend this to all pale people travelling to hotter climates... except red heads... just avoid the sun all together!


  1. You mean your sister? ;P

  2. You are a nerd...and I love every bit of you!
