Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I knew I Forgot Something...

I was on my way to Malindi this morning and I realized that I left my vlog for this week at home on my other hard drive. So, no vlog today.

I'm in Malindi, which means that there is some really beautiful video of the coast coming your way.

We left at about 4:30am and after a little bit of tire hunting along the way, to switch for one unreliable looking one, we arrived in Malindi at 4:30pm. But strangely it didn't seem like that long.

We drove east and then headed north past villages and towns, fields and plains, enormous trees and tiny commuting school children. The landscape here can make you forget where you are, with it's familiar looking crops and hills and then suddenly hit you with a passing donkey or a tied up camel next to a flipped tractor trailer or a small mud hut with a thatch roof. Those are the moments that wake you up and remind you where you really are. That's why the drive didn't seem so long. There was much to see and even more to talk about.

There are eleven of us on this excursion and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to come back out here to the beach. It was a last minute decision when there was a sudden vacancy in some friends' vacation plans. I filled the gap and I now get to enjoy a couple of days with great people in one of the most gorgeous parts of this country: the coast of the Indian Ocean.

I can't wait to see the ocean tomorrow. And I can't wait to share it here.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just Pray

It was my first night in my new apartment and I was looking forward to getting some good sleep after such a long day. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not because it was a new place, not because I was alone and not because Reagan and I had killed about 200 cockroaches that afternoon and I was worried they had called in re-enforcements. (Don't worry, they were all quite small)

The screaming started around 10:30 that night, echoing through the stair well and bouncing off every surface. It was hard to tell exactly where it was coming from until I heard banging on my ceiling from the neighbors above. It was a woman, in great distress, and not being a complete newbie to this country I had an idea of what was going on.