Friday, August 6, 2010

Insomnia: not a complete waste of time

The most challenging time of the day, for me, is falling asleep.
If the time is stamped on this post you will see it's around 4am and it's not an oddity that I'm up so late... especially these days. What's more is that, not only am I wide awake, but even if I were able to sleep in the next hour, I'm awake again at 7:30-8:00 am with much difficulty falling asleep again.

I was able to catch the last bit of 'The Machinist' on TV last night. Apparently a movie about an insomniac who goes crazy after an accident at work and I'm kind of wondering when I will go crazy. I thought, at least I get a few hours a night. It's better than nothing. But one thing I've noticed is that, unlike any prior sleep deprivation issues in my past, this time round, the only consequence I seem to be suffering is boredom.

In the past, a lack of sleep would surely bring on illness and problems staying awake during the day but it's not like that this time round. I can't remember the last time I was able to nap and my physical health is fine.
My only theory is that God is sparing me the harsh side affects because, 
1) I'm spending more uninterrupted time with Him
2) He knows that if I was any less sane during the day I would self destruct, and
3) He's a healer, yes even before illness rears it's inconvenient head.

I would love to have a 12 hour sleep session, and I will again, one day. But until then, I suppose I am thankful, for health, and for the extra time I'm able to spend with the one who values my time and cares for my company.

I am curious though, after warm milk and hot baths, melatonin and, in my weaker moments, nyquil (which gives me horrible dreams!!!) what are some things that help people sleep?

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