Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"I Will Beat You"

I am reminded of one of the reasons why I am here, in Nairobi, every time I hear someone open their mouths and something horrifying comes out.

A baby in the building next to me cries all day and night. I don't have kids, but this is not the cry of a stubborn child. It's the cry of a neglected and abused child. From what I can tell, the single Mother works all day, leaving the raising of her precious baby boy to an impatient, intolerant, unloving house keeper, who either ignores the baby or screams at him.

I hear him cry for what seems like hours with a cry that leaves you wondering how his little throat is not bleeding. And then I hear these words out of her mouth as she stands in the doorway from outside. “Nitakuchapa! I will beat you saa hii… Ohhhh to Jesus be glory!!” And then she goes back to her 90 degree angle, hunched over a pile of laundry or sweeping the hallway with a small bunch of reeds all the while singing praise songs that she likely learned at church.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wow That's Unprofessional

Of course the day I do a guest post at my friend's blog site is the day that the file hosting website I use decides to crap out leaving my pages full of broken images.

How pretty... and professional my site looks right now.

I'll get it fixed asap.

Sorry guys

Oh and some are wondering where the 'heck' I've been and what the 'heck' I've been up to.
It's been raining paka na mbwa for over a month and so trusty (by trusty I mean not trustworthy) Kenya Power has been having outtages all over the city almost on a daily basis.

So you try uploading videos or blog posts when your modem is resetting every few minutes.
No, don't try it, it's not fun...

Which is why this is short but do not fear! updates are coming your way. Soon-ish. I'm trying, I promise.

Until then, enjoy my broken images, aren't they pretty?
The links still work though so wander over to my "Watch" page and start clicking away.