Thursday, March 31, 2011

85% and Death by Taxation

I'll let the title speak for itself.
haha.. yeah right.

I started re-looking into flights again.
I like to stay on top of things, know how things work, have my ducks in a row... problem with ducks is that there tend to be stragglers. But I do enjoy feeling knowledgeable occasionally. So I'm entering some tentative dates into the flight search and picking different options to get a handle on price ranges and just as I expected, flights have gone up.

It wasn't a surprise, I'm not worried about that, but when they show you a subtotal that looks decent, expect to have a mini stroke after looking at the total after taxes.

Like Car Accidents and Taco Bell

Has your life ever spontaneously 'derailed' (I use that word in the most dramatic way possible) from the direction it was headed and taken you somewhere else against your will?
Regardless of your plans somehow you ended up in a ditch and once you get your caboose back on the track in this new direction you look back to realize that you are so thankful you got slammed off the track in the first place?

Yeah, me neither.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There's This Girl I Know...

She had lost her joy.

She’s been going through some rough stuff recently that we can all learn from. It’s a struggle that many have experienced but I assure you it ends in victory.
(don’t worry, I have permission to write this)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm so thankful.

I was sitting in my room the other day, silently, just thinking. 
You know those times when everything is still but your mind? 
And I was having this one sided conversation with God about how I don't know how my bills will be paid and how being home is so expensive and how I don't feel productive and before I would let Him get a word in I just went about organizing my room and busying myself. And then my phone rang. It hadn't been 2 whole minutes since my belly-aching to God when I found myself having a conversation with someone who was calling about joining my support team.

It's as if God was like, "you know... you can't ignore me. Everything is under control."

I am currently at 70% of my financial goal before I'm able to fly over to Nairobi.
Just over a month ago I was at 39%. He is so faithful.

There are also 3 vlogs that I've edited and posted
and here Packing Tips