Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Favourite Restaurant: Proof That I'm Classy

The best thing about chickens is their delicious wings.

If you live in Ontario or Edmonton, (don't worry rest of Canada, I'm sure you will have the chance soon) you too can experience my very favourite restaurant in the world (so far):
click the logo to visit their website

It's my favourite for three four reasons:
1. It is inexpensive
2. It has 91 sauces
3. You can eat with your hands
4. It's the only restaurant where they laugh at my jokes

I had this idea last year, to try all 91 of their wing sauces in a year (at the time there were 101). Well, it was kind of an unrealistic goal for a single year so it's actually been about a year and a half and I have currently tried 69 flavours. I'm gonna share with you my secrets on how to do this quickly. Then I'll share my fav sauces, my least fav sauces and the ones that scare me a little.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This Is Where You Participate *Gasp*

I know you are out there.
I know you are reading this because I look at my blog stats. They tell me that you are reading this.
Ok, not specifically you... that would be a little '1984-ish' and probably an invasion of social security, but I know there are a number of people that visit this blog and I would LOVE to know who YOU are.

If you are a frequent reader, first time reader, have commented before, have never commented before, don't read a lot of blogs, love blogs, know me personally, don't know me personally, reside on this earth somewhere, have ever used a computer, think you rock technology, think you suck at technology or are reading this right now, either through email or directly from this blog, I'm talking to you.

So, this is where you participate.
Here are a few questions to get the ball rolling.

1. What's your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. Where is the furthest place you've ever traveled to?
    OR what's the longest you've ever been away from home.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's Not Work If You Love It

...cliche but very true.

And as a "professional volunteer" I find myself doing a lot of things for free. But one aspect of volunteering that makes not being paid not such a big deal is if you really love what you are doing.

Well I love video production so when I heard that Carruther's Creek Community Church (C4) was putting on a big concert and streaming it live, I offered my service. And wouldn't you know it, the day I volunteered was the day someone had pulled out of operating a camera.

So I get to do what I love for this awesome show.
I'll be working one of the cameras which is exciting for me because it's been a while since I worked with a crew.

If you can come out to the show tonight it's completely FREE. Doors open at 6pm at C4 and the rest of the info is below.

But if you don't live in the area, or if you just can't make it, the show is still free and you can watch it from the comfort of your own home (assuming your home is comfortable).

So tune in, or come in, or whatever you do to participate, it's gonna be a great night.

Sunday April 17 @ 6:15pm EST

Here is a listing of air times:
6:30PM EST (Ontario, Florida, East Coast US)
5:30PM CST (Illinois, Winnipeg, Tennessee)
4:30PM MST (Colorado)
3:30PM PST (California/BC)

10:30AM - New Zealand
5:30PM - Colombia
7:30PM - Brazil
11:30PM - London, UK

Venue info here
Watch it LIVE here or here

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sooooo Close!

What can you buy with $80?

a 4gb mp3 player,
groceries for the week,
new pair of jeans (2 pair if you don't shop at the Gap),
2 or 3 DVDs,
a camera,
dinner for two at a fancy restaurant,
new pair of runners,
a couple video games,
a full tank of gas (with some left over...hopefully)

what would $80 a month do for me?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm so white, I'm grey!

yes... Americans... that's how we spell it.

Seriously though... winter has been so long, that at this point of whiteness, I could get burnt by standing near the window too long. And I'm about to head to an equatorial country and live in a city where 3/4 of the year is sunny and is 5200 feet closer to the sun than I am here.

So what do I do about that? well I'll tell you but you have to come close....
Closer!! I don't want anyone else to hear.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"You're Not Going Anywhere With That Attitude!"

"Fine then, I'll just sit here and mope for a year about life and about how you won't let me go."

I don't think it's a coincidence that now that my heart is back in one piece that my financial goals are almost met when they were sitting stagnant for so long.

And this is where I leave my dirty laundry all over the floor for you to have a look at.