Friday, September 24, 2010

Gettin' vloggy wit it.

So I had an idea...

While I'm away I will definitely be doing periodic video updates.
This is so that people can see what's going on in my ministry because I can pretty much guarantee that most days will look different. One thing I love about media is that it's not at all monotonous. And the flexibility given to me in my work overseas will pretty much ensure that I'll be working with many different people in many different places doing many different things.

Awesome? Awesome!

But on top of periodic video updates I thought it might be fun to reserve one day a week to take the camera out on my typical day.

For instance, I could do vlog Thursdays.
Every Thursday (or any day) having a camera with me and documenting whatever I am doing that day.
It could be editing, laundry, grocery shopping, hanging with friends, or setting up meetings.
It could be anything really, but one thing I think it would be... is interesting.

It would give people that have never been to Kenya and opportunity to see what it's like. And it would give people an opportunity to see what missions overseas (at least in my field) is like.

So the question now is when should I start?
I will probably need to work out some kinks and get used to the idea before I leave.

But should I start now? Or wait till after Christmas.

Any requests? I'm not sure my life is THAT interesting right now, but who knows, maybe it is to others.

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